Beyond War's Education for Peaceful World provides workshops for developing organisers.
Intersecting Areas of Practice
- Facilitation Microskills
- Question types and frameworks for a question toolbox
- Facilitating meetings, workshops and learning activities
- Assertive and Collaborative Communication - Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Stable groups - norms/ agreements and non-negotiables.
- Conflict Transformations
- Facilitating Evaluation - Community Based Research
- Coaching/Mentoring/Supervision
- Group based reflection for developing organisers.
Learning Principles
Our workshops are
- Participative
- Experiential
- Radical - in that it would seek to explicitly expose and disrupt dominating practices
- Transparent
- Relational
- Seek to give people skills related to “present time awareness” which are not culturally bound.
- Facilitating low level (non-expert) knowledge transfer (across the movement)
Beyond War's Education for a Peaceful World project offers webinars, education and workshops for organisers and people practicing the skills and theory of a Politics of Nonviolence. Organisers and community development workers require significant support as they become independent strategic thinkers, leaders and change makers. We have a small team of people carrying the wisdom of years of community based organising to share the skills, approaches, methods of group work, organising and strategy.
Education for Peaceful World also carries out cross movement support in collaboration with the Wage Peace desk in supporting change - makers address civil liberties breaches and repression.